Who We Are

EATHAN - East Africa Trans Health and Advocacy Network is a network of trans*diverse activists and organizations in East Africa. We have 24 member activist representatives and organizations based in Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda. Our mission is to equip and enable East African trans* diverse individuals and institutions, to organise and advocate for the improvement of their health, the recognition of their gender, and the protection of their human rights; utilising informed research and documentation, particularly on health and HIV, and by enhancing their livelihoods through capacity strengthening and empowerment. We work under 3 main pillars.


To provide an easily accessible body of knowledge on ITGNC people and issues in East Africa


To advocate for the availability of and access to health services and meaningful HIV programming; and advocate for and create awareness on ITGNC issues, in collaboration with our members and focussing primarily on regional and continental platforms

Capacity Enhancement

To provide capacity strengthening and support to member organisations on advocacy

Movement Building

Organisational management, growth and development; and strengthen, mobilise and empower trans* diverse persons and organisations across the region towards growing a strong and responsive regional movement

News and Updates

Updates from Us and News from East Africa

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+254 797 551 980
Mon - Fri, 8:00-22:00

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