Side event at the 53rd session of the Human Rights Council
22 June, Room XXV, 15:00-16:00
Since 2011, the United Nations Human Rights Council has been taking significant steps towards the protection of trans persons through a series of resolutions aiming to combat violence and discrimination based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (17/19,27/32, 32/2, 41/18, 50/10) and through the work of the Independent Expert on SOGI.
More recently, UN Member States have been vocal about the further need to protect and fulfil the human rights of trans persons. In 2021 a group of 27 States recalled the Human Rights Council to take further action on protecting trans women from violence, while in March 2023, a cross-regional group of 28 countries called for laws and policies that allow legal gender recognition based on self-identification for the first time at the UN.
The multi-sectoral collaboration and solidarity across UN state members, LGBTIQA+ civil societies and individual activists, and allies from across the world played significant roles in the pathway to such advancements. This side event will offer the space for stakeholders to share their lessons learned and advocacy strategies tackling multidimensional and intersectional discrimination as well as forms of violence against trans communities across the world and contributing to the continued progress and promotion of trans rights at HRC.
Co-organizers: ILGA World, RFSL, GATE, APTN, TGEU, EATHAN
- Jessica Stern, Special Envoy to LGBTIQ from the USA (remarks);
Member States:
- Alba Rueda, Special Envoy from Argentina to SOGI (panel discussion);
- Simmy Larat, Brazilian LGBTIQA+ National Secretary, Ministry of Human Rights (panel discussion)
Civil Society:
- 3 human rights defenders from Trans Advocacy Week;
- Best Nithiwana, Founder of Young Pride Club, Thailand
- Karla Guevara, Secretary-General of El Salvadoran Federation of LGBTQI Rights, El Salvador
- Barbra Wangare, Executive Director, EATHAN – East Africa Trans Health & Advocacy Network, Kenya
- Nhuun Yodmuang, Senior Human Rights and Advocacy Officer, Asia Pacific Transgender Network