We are pleased, proud and excited to share with you our research report on:
“Legal Gender Recognition & Access to Trans-Affirming Care in East Africa”.
This report has been a long time coming. The work was done between 2019 and 2020.
Here is an excerpt of the Executive Summary:
The East African Intersex, Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming (ITGNC) community continues to face a myriad of challenges despite some of the region’s major gains being made by and for the community. One of the major challenges towards improving the situation for the ITGNC community is and has been limited capacity among ITGNC activists in the region, including the capacity to conduct research that leads to evidence-informed advocacy.
It is well understood that with strategic and long-term advocacy efforts at local, regional and international level, great changes can be made. While EATHAN’s member organisations continue to do local advocacy work, EATHAN’s mandate is to do regional and international advocacy as it represents the community. Our main targets are the UN bodies, treaties and special mechanisms; the Africa Commission on Human & Peoples’ Rights; and the East African Community.
It is for this reason that EATHAN embarked on a research study focusing on Legal Gender Recognition & Access to ITGNC Specific Healthcare in East Africa. In addition to the importance of having community-led research to complement Member State reports, it is important to recognise the lack of research and/or information in this particular area of focus. The findings from this research will foster greater understanding on the subject matter.
We sincerely hope that you read the report and enjoy the rich information that we have captured.
You can download the report here.